''Lantern Workshop''
This is an interactive fiction game surrounding the theme “unequal”, created as an application sample for the Academy of Media and Arts Cologne.
Click on colored words in order to proceed.
Welcome to your soul's workshop!
(t8n:"fade")[We shape souls into physical manifestation of their wishes. The fact that you're here today means you have an aching [[desire]] to express something.
(track: 'shopkeepertheme', 'loop', true)
(track: 'shopkeepertheme', 'playwhenpossible')
This place is illuminated by the hearts of everyone in your life. Think of these lanterns as the fire in their souls. They are burning bright for you! You can, for them too.
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[[[//'So I have to make a lantern.'//|guess]]]//'Does this workshop// (link-reveal:"''//fulfill wishes?'//''")[
(t8n:"fade")[I would not say so. We will help you find untangle the knots, but what to do with the strings remains your own decision. When you wake up, you will only remember this as a dream.
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[//'If it is my dream,//[[// this place...'//|here]]
Correct! That is your task for today's workshop.
Think of any shape and color you'd like, and your lantern would appear as so. As for lighting it up... think of how you express love.
Easy task, is it (link-reveal:"not?")
Don't worry, I'll hold your hand through the process. Except for the last step. What do you say?
✦ [[//'...I'm not sure if this will work.'//|doubt]]
✦ [[//'How I express love sounds very abstract.'//|press]]Look around! You're bathed in so much warmth and love of everyone else in your life. Don't you want to see what your heart is giving out?
[['...'|hesitating]]You would know your actions best. Think of all you have done for those you love. As long as your actions are genuine, they speak louder than words.
[['...'|hesitating]]You're hesitating.
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:1.5s)[What's wrong?]
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:3s)[✦ [[//'I don't think my lantern will ever shine as brightly.'//|point out]]
✦ [[//'Their warmth is not something I can easily return.'//|point out]]
I see... You're overwhelmed by the support you have. You do not believe you can ever love as easily and earnestly as other people.
Their affection is blinding, you are scared to light up your own.
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[//'I suppose that is why [[you're |correct]]here.'//]
Bingo! But not to prove you wrong. I do agree.
Your light will never shine for others the way they shine for you. But you burn in a different way, in so many different ways.
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[Choose one of these and take a look, [[shall we|choose screen]]?](align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[This is how people around you burn. Whose hearts are you setting ablaze?
✦ (if:(visited:"mom 2"))[Your mother's](else:)[[[A candle lantern|mom 1]]] ✦ (if:(visited:"friend 2"))[Your friend's](else:)[[[A fairylight lantern |friend 1]]] ✦ (if:(visited:"stranger 2"))[The world's](else:)[[[A fireflies lantern|stranger 1]]] ✦
(if:(history:where its tags contains "Forest")'s length is 0)[(track: 'shopkeepertheme', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'othersfire', 'fadein', 2)(track: 'othersfire', 'loop', true)]
(t8n:"fade")[(if:(history: where its tags contains "Forest")'s length is 3)[There is no definite answer to where human connection begins, or foundations it is built on.
If you see connection as a comparison,
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[are you ashamed of your [[differences?|you]]]]]](align:"<==")+(box:"XXX==")[Your mother's lantern shines like an endless, quiet candle that has burnt for centuries long.
(click: "quiet")[(replace:"quiet candle that has burnt for centuries long.")[''quiet'' candle that has burnt for centuries long.
She loves wordlessly like a bowl of cut fruit on your study desk, soundly like your nap on the way [[back from school|mom 2]] in the front seat.] ]]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[Your friend’s light is of constant presence, clingy and at times selfless, familiar like a pillow so comfortable you have never thought twice about replacing.
(click: "constant")[(replace:"constant presence, clingy and at times selfless, familiar like a pillow so comfortable you have never thought twice about replacing.")[''constant'' presence, clingy and at times selfless, familiar like a pillow so comfortable you have never thought twice about replacing.
They listen and they talk, they break down and they laugh, they look at you and you gaze back, hearts [[yearning|friend 2]] for the same thing.] ]](align:"<==")+(box:"XXXX=")[The world comes and goes. Pushes you down and urges you forward. Loving the world is rushing through spite, grief, ignorance and indulgence. You have had enough and [[never enough.|stranger 2]]](align:"<==")+(box:"XXX==")[Her presence feels like home, home is full of her warmth. Her light keeps you safe under layers of blankets and tucks you in with a kiss goodnight on the forehead.
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:1.5s)[Don't [[fall alseep|choose screen]] just yet.]](align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[They are messy, tangled up in your palms.
They are annoying, but their absence stings.
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:1.5s)[Can you imagine [[your space|choose screen]] without them?]](align:"<==")+(box:"XXXX=")[It’s distracting and whimsical, it changes every time you blink. Strangers who love unconditionally, strangers who hate unconditionally.
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:1.5s)[Its [[ever changing|choose screen]] form keeps you on your feet.]]Is it not enough love when you give your seat to an elder on the bus, even while carrying three groceries bags? Is it inadequate when you help someone carry suitcases onto the train, when [[you|you 1.5]] are close to missing your own?
(track: 'othersfire', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'you', 'fadein', 2)
You love your mom in waves, in hours of longing, in shape of blazing tears. You learn of her as you grow up, but you will always trail after her and ache to take her hand all the same. You have never stopped loving as a child, curled up in blankets waiting for a kiss.
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[You giggled, and your mother felt like the luckiest woman in the world.]
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:4s)[The room grew [[brighter|lantern]] with you in it.]You will not love others the same way. They have never asked for their love back, they wish for yours.
You cannot see your own fire, but with it, you are able to see who smile at you [[in the dark|ending]].
(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[What matters, is that you held out your hand and let your lantern beam.
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:4s)[(link:"Start Over")[(restart:)]]]Will your friends ever love the way you do, orbiting them yet always staying in reach? Do they know themselves as much as you have memorised - their allergies, their accidents, their manners, their growth?
Have they ever let you [[downplay|you 2]] your worth at all?shopkeepertheme: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/844812089901449236/1068536862865629265/zero_gravity.mp3
othersfire: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/844812089901449236/1068553436834046033/My_star.mp3
you: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/844812089901449236/1068558133007482900/Rain_in_the_forest.mp3showControls: false